We Help -
Businesses, Organizations, Musicians, Creators, Teams, Events, Parties, Friends
All Share Their Story
We want to be your partner in helping you tell your story through custom apparel and headwear.
We want to provide you with the highest quality experience, service and products possible.
We will stop at nothing to do that.
Through our own personal life experiences WE KNOW...
Marriage & Friendship can be hard...
Fatherhood & Motherhood can be hard...
Entrepreneurship & Employment can be hard...
LIFE can be hard...
Since starting my business in 2018 as a side-hustle - to now a warehouse with 50 employees and sending out 1 million custom hats - I often need to remind myself of the above statement.
Ultimately, none of this would be possible if it wasn’t for our hard working and determined customers, just like YOU.
You have your own unique story and struggles you have been through & your logo means so much more than just a cool design. There is nothing more powerful than seeing your family, friends and customers wearing your logo proudly for the rest of the world to see. We will always be here to help you share that story.
I wish you continued success in the journey you are on and I genuinely thank you for considering having my business and I to be part of your story. Remember... Everything happens for a reason

Robert Hamm
Founder/CEO @launchdude